Thursday, February 20, 2025

Gender and Language

    When Mr. Robertson came into class to discuss language and gender, he brought up some interesting things that I had not yet realized were occuring in my daily life. As a female, I was raised in a way where I was always taught to be polite, and proper, and to be more reserved. This is the way many females are raised, and it has started to impact daily life. 

    In the workforce, things are done differently. It is said that women are typically more aggressive than men and that men are more held back. This was very shocking to me, because the typical stereotype is that women are more held back, and men are more aggressive, but in recent days this has began to change. People like Malala, and Melinda Gates have started to prove these stereotypes wrong. Malala is the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize, and focuses on campaigning for womens rights. If she had never spoken up, and become confident, then she would not have been able to do the things she has. Similarly Melinda Gates is the co chair of her and her husband, Bill Gates, foundation. She has made a lasting impact on womens rights, and has also denied the stereotypes of being held back and unconfident. Both of these women have helped to shape and further change the stereotypes of women, and continue to help just as thousands of other women have.

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