Tuesday, November 14, 2023

We Need More Woman Coaches

 Coaches are known to help individuals unlock their fullest potential. Coaches act as role models, mentors, and motivators for their athletes. According to the article “Why Women Coaches Matter” it says “One hundred percent of male athletes have had a male Coaching role model during their athletic careers, to their benefit; young women likewise need and deserve more same-sex role models.” In the world of coaches, we lack female role models. I believe that female coaches are just as qualified as their male counterparts. If we have more female coaches it gives young female athletes to see someone like themselves in a leadership position, which will inspire them to maybe one day become a coach. I have played basketball since I could walk and not only did I have to play on a boy's team, but I did not have my first female head coach until I was in the 8th grade. Luckily for me, my mom coaches high school girls basketball so I had access to a female role model as a coach. While growing up most of the girls around me did not. The representation of female role models in sports is important, to see someone that looks like you thriving and being a leader is inspiring to the athletes are coaching. Sports are predominantly male-dominated, so we are showing young girls that they will never be able to relate to their coaches on a deeper level off of the fields and courts. After Title IX sports were more inclusive to women but the numbers do not lie when they show that there is a gender gap among their female and male staff. More men coach women’s sports than Women coach women's sports. We learned in our presentation that some athletic directors have unknown biases that cause them to hire people who look like them.  Most of these people in the hiring committees and the people in charge of these decisions are mostly men. I think we should have more female role models because all it takes is for one woman to take the risk so other women can follow. The more female role models we have the more female athletes we can have feeling supported and inspired.

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