Friday, November 10, 2023

Acknowledging Women

 As Eddie presented to us a point on Bell Hooks I was really drawn in by his first exercise with the class. I felt that it was quite easy to rank the group but soon realized that I was mostly basing my list on race and gender second, proof of my subconscious bias. As a more traditional woman with the expectation of an equitable society I sometimes find myself expressing or acknowledging a sexist bias. Speaking of sexism and sexist oppression, the concept of sexist women is one that amazes me. A woman, allowing and supporting their society in a movement to control and restrict them. Not only is this notion disconfigured as human beings but as it is women it's baffling. Also as a young woman from a more traditional and religious background  understands that not women believe in being in the notion of societal equality. Although I absolutely stand by my previous statement, I want to bring up traditions and culture. When speaking of sexist women we often restrict ourselves to modern women who “believe men are above all”. This prevents us from understanding and respecting “traditional” women. This restriction is the reason why feminism is not extended to all. Women who want to remain in the home and raise their children should have the right without extreme “feminist” disregarding their way of living. TO conclude I would like to circle back to bell hooks and her theory. Hooks states, “the movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression without neglecting other forms of oppression such as racism, classism, imperialism and others…” As feminism continues to expand I hope our society reversts and values this statement as it is clear that the feminist has largely benefited the privileged.

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