Monday, April 17, 2017

Title XI

Ms. Kobus’ documentary and readings shined a spotlight onto the dark issue that prevails college campuses: sexual assault. The readings focused on what specifically Title XI was and how it applied, and one focused on how the standard for finding the accused guilty is far easier than in a public court. But, those readings just seemed like more statistics and facts on a subject that is far more personal than just numbers. Thus, the documentary was far more striking, giving personal accounts to go along with the numbers showing how incompetent colleges have been and are when dealing with sexual assault. The colleges constantly neglect victims, shame them, and help assailants get off with minimal punishment if any. This contradicts the Slate article, which seems biased and narrow-minded. It is not like the burden of proof is less than likely, there still needs to be a 51% (more probable than not) proving of the case. This is a high standard and needs proof, and with the normal low rate of false accusations is a worthy process for a crime that goes unreported and mishandled the few times that it actually reaches a Title XI hearing. The documentary does a really good job of leaving a lasting message and proving the disfunction in colleges and the problem with the culture at colleges.

This subject reminds me of my final project topic, of Title XI and college athletics. Numerous colleges, especially football programs have had athletes commit horrible acts of sexual assault and get away with it or just get a slap on the wrist because they contributed to one of the biggest revenues for the school. It is a major problems, schools are seeing this with Baylor facing huge sanctions, Tennessee paying millions, and Florida State paying millions to the victims for their misconduct. The athletes are in the light and when they mess up, they deserve to be punish as much, if not more than the normal assailants because they are public figures of the school, not punished less which is the case for many schools and athletes.

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