Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Edna St. Vincent Milay

I found Mr. Searles's presentation to be very interesting and eyeopening.  By not silencing her voice and staying true to who she was, she pushed the social norms.  Throughout history, most social change has been achieved by not conforming to society, and that rings true for Edna St. Vincent Millay.  I found Millay's life story to be fascinating.  From growing up in Camden, Maine to winning a Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, Millay never lost her vision and who she was.  Millay's poem The Penitent was particularly moving.  She talks about some of the struggles that she has dealt with, and ends saying, "But if I can't be sorry, why, I might as well be glad."

Millay held many character traits that I admire, and work to emulate.  Her ability to silence, ignore, and deflect criticism is remarkable, and I aspire to better develop that ability.  Many individuals would argue that the goals Millay fought for have not been achieved.  Following the recent Women's Marches in Washington D.C. it seemed that there are still many difficulties facing women in todays society.  With double standards and many other issues, I believe that more men need to be educated on the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay, and more men need to be educated on the topics the fought for.

Till next time,
Harrison Gray

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