Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ida B. Wells, I found, to be another remarkable woman. Her bravery and no-holds-barred attitude in unprecedented, but one thing that upsets me is, why has she been so underrepresented in history? Getting our documents on Ida B. Wells, I found the name to be familiar, but I didn't really know who she was. Once I began reading Wells immediately entered the ranks of role models and respectable people to me. Wells felt no concern for the backlash she would inevitably receive for her articles. She knew the truth and she was  not afraid to share it either. "To Northern capital and Afro-American labor the South owes its rehabilitation. If labor is withdrawn capital will not remain. The Afro-American is thus the backbone of the South." Here Wells essentially announces to all the the Afro-Americans are the creators and foundation of the South. She lets it be known that the Afro-Americans are the people who built the South. To the ever superior white man, this is like announcing war, but what makes Wells so amazing is that she didn't care. She didn't care if she was causing and uproar because the truth needed to be said. Personally I feel that today, there isn't enough of that attitude. No, I do not believe that people should go around saying mean things under the guise of being truthful, but I do believe that major issues are not being address because of fear of controversy. Essentially the world has gotten soft, so to see a strong woman of color break boundaries and make revolutionary statements is refreshing and makes me go back to my previous question, why had her presence in history been so lacking? After hearing OC's talk on Wells I see her as a more intense, rebel like version of Rosa Parks. Wells essential had the same experience as Parks, only Wells handled it with, in my opinion, a little more gusto. Another thing I find inspiring about Wells was her achievements in education. Women in that time were expected to be mothers and child carers and essentially nothing else. Wells did not take that lying down; she like any man went to college to further her education to eventually become a journalist. I find this so amazing because one of the main areas women have been denied equal opportunity is education. Wells does not let this stop her. Even more amazing is the fact that she is a black woman doing this. The way I see it at that time (and still in a lot of ways today) Black women have pretty much been at the bottom of the food chain, so to see Ida B. Wells a black women, do so many remarkable, revolutionary things is inspiring. One thing though that I found to be the root of her acts was her fortitude. Wells did not let petty things stop her: the threats sent to her, her race and gender, and when she was kicked out of the NAACP (which she cofounded) for being to aggressive, she just shook that off and kept going. Wells is definitely  someone  who needs to be talked about more, because she was just exceptional.

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